Thursday, July 17, 2008

A Little Better...and Only 41 More Days!!!

So...things have gotten better since the last post. I ended up getting that scholarship! That was super exciting. I even did the high pitched squeal thing. What can I say? I was that excited. I wish the guy I like didn't have the girlfriend and was in love with me, but there's nothing I can do about that so I'm not even going to waste my time there. Other than that, only 41 more days until I leave for England. I couldn't be more excited about that. It's what I've wanted for a long time. Now I'm finally getting it. What could be more exciting? I'm gonna miss my family and friends, sure, but you gotta get on with your life. I gotta do things that I want for me. I can't do them for anyone else. I just gotta remember that sometimes.
Another thing that was exciting is that I got my luggage.

That's what it looks like. I know it's looks really purple. Don't worry. It is. Whatever. I like it. 41 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you guys!!!

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