Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The First Letter

Hey everybody! So guess what!!! Navy boy wrote me! It wasn't a long letter, but he wrote me! I'm super excited about it! He didn't say a lot, but at least he wrote. Like it was seriously only a paragraph. Luckily, I grew up with the military so I know during boot camp, the guys don't get a lot of time to write. Wow! Could you imagine if this was during like the 1950s or something, and writing letters was the only way to like communicate? Sometimes it's hard to believe how much we've progressed as a society. Sorry. Getting off topic. Now I'm trying to figure out what to write back to him. This was so much easier when I was six and writing my dad. The teachers would pull me out of class and tell me what to write. Where are those teachers now? Or were they counselors? I don't remember. That was like 14 years ago. Goodness! Now I feel old. Off topic again. Eventually I'll findout what to write him about. I knew he wants to hear from me and soon. He said that in his letter. Well, he said that he hopes to hear from me soon. It's the same thing. I'll have a lot of time next week for sure to write him. I gotta go now though. I have a lot of homework to do. It's due tomorrow. It's quite sad. I have a 5 page paper to write ad a lab to do for my LS class. Talk to y'all soon. Love ya!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

He's Gone

Ok, guys. Navy boy is gone. I miss him a lot, but what can I do? I know he doesn't want me to be sad. I know this, and yet, I wallow in the fact that he's gone. I'm so happy for him because he's following his dream. I mean, who doesn't want their friends to be successful? I'm always so proud of anything my friends do. Navy boy sings, writes songs, and plays guitar. He even has a music page up on myspace. Yes, I added the song to my myspace. Did you guys really expect me not to? He left, on the 9th of this month. It was a sad day. He only went to Dallas, but he left. He left for basic training the next day (the 10th). Now, if my research is correct, he's in Illinois. I think it's pretty accurate though. I'll have to ask his roommate (who will be referred to as Roommate guy) where Navy boy is. (This is so confusing somtimes. I just don't want to use their real names.) Roommate guy works here at TWU so it won't be that hard. Well, I still have to take a shower before I even dare to leave the building. I just wanted to let y'all know that Navy boy did in fact already leave.

BTW, happy birthday to my sister Amanda!!! I love you!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Never Be Mine

Hey guys! This is a poem that I just wrote. It's my first one in like a year. I haven't really written much besides essay since then. By the way, broken hearts suck.

Never Be Mine
by: Megan Montoya

I long for your kisses
knowing they'll never mine.
Seeing you with her
eats me up inside.
But what can I do?
I'm not so sure.
All that I know is that
you'll never be mine
I guess friends is all we are
and all we'll ever be.
Nothing will change.
I guess I could cry
but that won't change the fact
that you'll never be mine.
I could lie to you
and pretend to be over you
Yet I can still feel the way
it felt to be in your arms.
I felt so safe and secure again.
A way I haven't felt
since he took his love away.
I trusted you
and I love you
but you're still with her.
She's the one with your heart,
a heart that never belonged to me.
Now it's 2 in the morning
and I'm sitting here alone
thinking things through.
Stoic is all I can be
knowing that we won't be.
You belong to her.
I guess I've finally realized
you'll never be mine.

Tell me what you guys think. I have a paper that I need to finish in about six hours so I'll talk to you guys later. I love you.

Love always,