Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Hey guys! So I leave tomorrow for my semester abroad in England!!! What could be more exciting than that? I'm going to miss everybody though. For those who came to my little get together, thank you. I really appreciate it, especially those who drove down from Denton. Y'all are probably never going to do that again. I completely understand. I loved it. I had tons of fun, and I hope y'all did too. I'm going to miss all of you. Make sure to keep in touch, one way or another. I have my address for when I'll be there. I'll look it up later and then post it here, Myspace, and Facebook. Be sure to keep a look out for that. Also, one of the other girls from my school and I are going to attempt to do a web show on Youtube so keep an eye out for that too. Ok. I think that's it. I love you guys!!!

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