Sunday, October 12, 2008

Why English Boys are Better than American Boys

Ok. Yes, it's true. In some aspects, English boys are better than American boys. Sorry guys, but you could definitely learn a few tips (well, most of you). The English boys that I've met (and mostly remember) are so sweet! They actually hold doors open for you. They hold your hand to guide you to wherever it is you're going. They buy you drinks and actually get them for you. Some pay for you to get into clubs. The most amazing part: you don't feel like you owe them anything for their kindness. Some American boys that I know make it seem as if you owe them something if they buy you a few drinks, but not English boys. You actually get to control what goes on. English guys still have a sense of chivalry that has been lost on American boys. I've only ever met a couple of American boys that are as nice as the English boys I've met. Even if you do go home with them, they don't try to convince you to do anymore than you want to (not that I would know from personal experience...). One of my friends has met one and is kind of seeing him, but he is so sweet. Not just to her either. He has so much respect for her that he actually cares about her friends too. I simply stated that I was cold and he pulled me into a big bear hug to warm up. It was so funny! Times at Harlaxton are fun even if some details are fuzzy.

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