Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yes Another One Today

Yes, I'm doing another one today because I've been doing a horrible job at keeping y'all up to date on what I'm doing. Like I've been telling everybody, school is school. Not too much is different when you have to wake up at 7am just to make it to class on time. The classes I'm taking are British Studies, Schools and Society, Children's Literature, and Learning Theory. Sounds fun, right? Not really. My favorite class is definitely Schools and Society. It's funny, but I don't think I've ever been in a class where I was the only minority, but here I am. I never thought it would happen. I've made a few friends, but I miss all of y'all back home. I'll see you guys in just a little while. My friends and I go out every week so imagine how much money we spend :) We have tons of fun. People here are really cool (both American and English). I want to stay longer. I might even be willing to go through another semester of British Studies just to stay. I love England! I definitely want to come back. I'm thinking of coming back every year once I graduate. Harlaxton Manor is amazing! The Gate House will even be finished soon. I can rent that out for a month. It would be such an opportunity!
I've been to Edinburgh, Scotland and London, England. I went to Nottingham and didn't see Robin Hood. Instead, we went to Primark which is a great store! Everything there is so cheap and cut. In Scotland, I lost and found my wallet. London did nothing but rain almost the entire time. It doesn't rain nearly as much as everybody thinks. It's not super cold yet. I really only need a jacket sometimes so far. There are days where it's warm enough not to have to wear one. Everything here is so amazing and beautiful. I am very lucky to be here and to have met such wonderful people. I highly recommend everybody to do a semester abroad. Or just to live abroad for a while. I'm starting to consider some new career options that I had never thought about before. It's so amazing! Oh just before anybody asks, no I haven't run the Naked Mile yet :)

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