Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Looking for Flights

One of the things that I love most about being in an LDR is the visits. I love getting to spend time with him in person. I like getting to hold his hand and kiss his lips. I like getting to sleep next to him and hearing his heart beat. But the one thing I don't like about visiting is the stuff prior to seeing him, which includes looking for flights.
I hate going through all of the different websites to try to find the best deal. of course, you never do. There's always going to be a flight the next day that is cheaper or has better times. I try and look months ahead of time, and I always find flights that I could afford. I can' buy my tickets that far ahead of time because I always have to save up my money. By the time I save up enough money, the plane tickets are always super expensive. I guess the only thing that really keeps me going is that I know will be with him one day.
One day I won't have to save up my money and wait to have to see him. One day, I will get to wake up and he will be right there beside me. This is just temporary. One day, he and I will be together forever. That's why I go through the hassle of looking for plane tickets. He's the reason why I stay up late just so I can think of him. I can't wait until he really is my forever, and my looking for flights is just for now.

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