Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Is This Real Life?

For the last three and a half months, I have been living with my boyfriend. You might remember him. I've been calling him Bear for the purposes of this blog. Yes, I spent the last three and a half months in England with Bear. It was the best three and half months of my life. As of Sunday night though, I've been back in Texas.
It's already been a difficult past three days. I miss being with him in person. Yes, we're doing the skype thing again. We're even playing Words with Friends right this very moment. This all seems like my real life.
The past three and a half months feels like it was all a dream. It's like I went to sleep, dreamt about England and being with Bear, and then woke up on Sunday. The only proof I have is the huge suitcase sitting in the middle of my bedroom floor, a camera full of memories, and the smell of him on a shirt. It was the best three and a half months of my life though. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I could.
We finally got to celebrate anniversaries together. We even celebrated the most important one of all: the one year anniversary. We went to York and stayed in a hotel. I got to see things that most people only ever dream about. I saw castle walls that are older than even the first colony in the USA. I ate really horrible Mexican food and lived to talk about it. I saw what it was like to be a Viking. I saw their bones and where they lived. I even found out where the word husband comes from. It was the best anniversary I could have ever asked for.
The best part is that I got to do everything that "normal" couples get to do. I got to hold Bear's hand and kiss him whenever I wanted to. I got to snuggle up next to him while watching tv. I got to fall asleep on his chest with his arms around me. I could even text him without it costing a hundred dollars. We made breakfast and dinner together. We danced together. I could look deep into his beautiful blue eyes and know that he was looking back at me with all of the love that he has for me. It was the best time of my life.
Now though, things are completely different. We're back to having to skype. We have to make time for each other. I sleep in my bed alone. I have no one to kiss and snuggle with. Now when I make a cup of tea, I make one...for myself. There is no we. There's no we're going to do things. If I could, I would make myself go back to sleep now and hope to wake up in England with him in his bed with his arms around me.
The dream that I hope will one come true for us one day soon. Right now though, I have to make do with the life I have. I can't keep up the dream of Bear because right now this is real life.

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