Friday, June 25, 2010

Tests vs. Homework

I totally understand the point of tests and homework. I even get how they both help students to learn. What I want to know though is, which is worse? Would you rather do homework or take tests? Homework is supposed to be used as a test prep of sorts. It gauges how much you know and what you still need to learn. Which is what tests do too, only in a more formal way most of the time. Both are an easy way for teachers to see how much students have learned and what they need to go back and cover. As a current student and future teacher, I understand why both tests and homework are important. However, now my student side is being rebellious. No matter how much my teacher side is telling me that it's important to study to be well prepared for my teacher test tomorrow, my student side is telling me it's summer. That's supposed to mean no tests and as a result no studying. My student side wants me to do well, but it doesn't want to have to work for it. My student side is currently winning which is why I'm writing this. No matter how much I study, I will only know what I already know tomorrow when I take the test. I want to be prepared, but I really hate taking tests. At least with homework, you can get your parents to help. It's also pretty much done on your time so there's no need to rush. I think homework wins this battle, for me. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Don't Know What to Do

Ok. I was thinking about Sean a lot yesterday. I even looked at his wedding pictures, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. Now, I get on facebook and he's invited me to go to his baby shower/diaper party/paint our baby's room! thing. I really just don't know what to do. Should I go? Should I not go? Should I say I have to work and that we'll have to hang out another time? My mind was blown from Doctor Who, but this has my mind in a knot. I'll probably ask Mary for advice. I don't see how Sean could even want me there considering I haven't talked to him since May, no April, maybe March? I really don't remember. I need to pray about it.


There are many times when I stop and look around, and I wonder. Yes, I wonder many times about what it is that I'm doing with my life. My friends all seem to be able to find love. I have found what I thought was love, only to let him slip through my fingers. I have friends who have graduated college. They're now getting married. I have friends with kids already. Yet, I'm here just hoping to graduate in May. My life is not what I expected it to be at this point in my life. I remember being at Harlaxton just a year and a half ago and new couples forming. Now, they're getting married. I sit around and see all the love that there is, and I'm jealous. I know it's wrong to be jealous, but I just want someone to love. Even the flightiest of my friends has a boyfriend. My friend who really should be waiting for the guy to make a grand gesture (not the grand gesture) is back with him. Some of the crappiest people I know have someone to love. I want someone to live for. A person that I can look at and know that he will always be there. I'm 22 years old. I would've thought that I would have found someone at least once that would hold me when I cried. Just one person, but I've never had that. Is it wrong? I don't want to be a crazy old lady who has no one. I want a family one day. I want a husband and some kids. I want to be the stay at home mom who has dinner on the table. As 1950s as that sounds, that is truly the deepest desire of my heart. I try not to show it because it just makes me wistful and want it even more. There are times when I wonder why I'm even here. If I can't even find one person who wants me for more than just sex, why am I here? Why do I want to find someone to spend the rest of my life with? It doesn't seem fair that I should be the one who doesn't get any love when I want it more than anyone else I know. I know I should just be content with my lot. I know that God has a plan for me. I just wish I knew what it was so that I could at least prepare myself for being single for the rest of my life if that is His plan. I really, really hope it isn't, though. I really hope it isn't.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Pandorica Opens

I have officially watched "The Pandorica Opens" three times. This is the newest episode of the Doctor Who series. I still don't really know what to say about it other than that my mind was blown. I could hardly believe it when I saw the cliffhanger. I don't want to give away spoilers so I'm not going to say much. I just wanted to write a little something about it. Let me just say this, I am no closer to figuring out how they (Doctor, Amy, and River) are going to get out of this predicament than I was the first time I saw it. This week is going to be torture until I get to watch the new one. I can't wait for "The Big Bang."

*Don't forget that it airs on Saturday on BBC1.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Doctor Who

I have always loved Doctor Who. I haven't seen any of the Classic Who series, but I have seen every episode of Nu Who. I have watched Christopher Eccleston help to cure gas mask people back into real people. I have seen David Tennant save the Ood from what seems to be a devil-type creature. Now, I have just seen Matt Smith fight an invisible monster with Vincent Van Gogh.

In this week's episode of Doctor Who, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) go back in time after seeing a face of an evil monster in one of Van Gogh's paintings. The Doctor even says, "That's an evil face. I know evil when I see it." It was interesting to see the parallels between the Doctor and Van Gogh and also between the Doctor and the monster. The Doctor is blind it seems to many of the nuances of the world. He is starting to admit that he is too old which sad. The Doctor as fans know is little over 900 years old. He is forgetting what used to be important. Although it is interesting to see that he is starting to adapt to using practices that he did not use very often before. From what I have seen in the new series started by RTD, the Doctor tends to do more action than talking to the aliens. In this episode, though, the Doctor talked to the monster. He tried to help keep the animal calm so that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It almost seemed to work too. It's too bad that the Doctor always seemed to rely on his sonic screwdriver to help get him out of a mess. This week, though, it was not the sonic screwdriver that saves the day. It was Van Gogh.

Vincent and the Doctor is probably my favorite episode so far. There was so much emotion in it. Vincent seemed to be the smartest and bravest in this episode. He fought the monster and made sure that Amy and the Doctor were safe. The emotion was just obvious throughout the entire episode. You could feel the love between all three of the main characters. It was beautiful.