Sunday, June 6, 2010

Doctor Who

I have always loved Doctor Who. I haven't seen any of the Classic Who series, but I have seen every episode of Nu Who. I have watched Christopher Eccleston help to cure gas mask people back into real people. I have seen David Tennant save the Ood from what seems to be a devil-type creature. Now, I have just seen Matt Smith fight an invisible monster with Vincent Van Gogh.

In this week's episode of Doctor Who, Matt Smith and Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) go back in time after seeing a face of an evil monster in one of Van Gogh's paintings. The Doctor even says, "That's an evil face. I know evil when I see it." It was interesting to see the parallels between the Doctor and Van Gogh and also between the Doctor and the monster. The Doctor is blind it seems to many of the nuances of the world. He is starting to admit that he is too old which sad. The Doctor as fans know is little over 900 years old. He is forgetting what used to be important. Although it is interesting to see that he is starting to adapt to using practices that he did not use very often before. From what I have seen in the new series started by RTD, the Doctor tends to do more action than talking to the aliens. In this episode, though, the Doctor talked to the monster. He tried to help keep the animal calm so that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It almost seemed to work too. It's too bad that the Doctor always seemed to rely on his sonic screwdriver to help get him out of a mess. This week, though, it was not the sonic screwdriver that saves the day. It was Van Gogh.

Vincent and the Doctor is probably my favorite episode so far. There was so much emotion in it. Vincent seemed to be the smartest and bravest in this episode. He fought the monster and made sure that Amy and the Doctor were safe. The emotion was just obvious throughout the entire episode. You could feel the love between all three of the main characters. It was beautiful.

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