Friday, June 25, 2010

Tests vs. Homework

I totally understand the point of tests and homework. I even get how they both help students to learn. What I want to know though is, which is worse? Would you rather do homework or take tests? Homework is supposed to be used as a test prep of sorts. It gauges how much you know and what you still need to learn. Which is what tests do too, only in a more formal way most of the time. Both are an easy way for teachers to see how much students have learned and what they need to go back and cover. As a current student and future teacher, I understand why both tests and homework are important. However, now my student side is being rebellious. No matter how much my teacher side is telling me that it's important to study to be well prepared for my teacher test tomorrow, my student side is telling me it's summer. That's supposed to mean no tests and as a result no studying. My student side wants me to do well, but it doesn't want to have to work for it. My student side is currently winning which is why I'm writing this. No matter how much I study, I will only know what I already know tomorrow when I take the test. I want to be prepared, but I really hate taking tests. At least with homework, you can get your parents to help. It's also pretty much done on your time so there's no need to rush. I think homework wins this battle, for me. What do you think?

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