Tuesday, July 6, 2010

365 Days in 20 Ways

365 Days in 20 Ways. You may be wondering what exactly this is. I got the idea from Myles Dyer (blade376 on youtube). It's a list of goals that you want to complete within a year. I'm typing this up a little bit late, but I'm hoping to accomplish the following things by 2 July 2011. For a full explanation of what this "365 Days in 20 Ways" is, click on this link --> Blade376
1. Go to England
I have already spent a semester abroad in England, and I have always wanted to go back. My friend Jennifer (who I actually met when I studied abroad) is moving there to live with her boyfriend. I'm planning on staying a week with her. It should be fun. My ticket is already booked. I just have to go. This one should be accomplished within a two months.

2. Graduate from college.
I have been in college for four years now. I was hoping to be out already, but that didn't happen. I'm hoping that five will be my lucky number, and I will graduate in May 2011. Hopefully, this one will just make the July 2nd deadline at the latest.

3. Save $1,000.
As a person getting ready to take on more adult responsibilities, having a little bit of extra money would be helpful. As of right now, I don't know where I'm going so this is something I will probably need.

4. Go to a state that I've never been to (not New York).
You have already been able to guess this, but I LOVE to travel. I like going to new places and meeting new people. This is something I really want to do.

5. See Mary and Maytha again.
Mary and Maytha are my BEST friends in the whole world, and I haven't see them since I left Harlaxton. Getting to see them again would be the best thing EVER! We are already making plans to meet up sometime. This is in the works but not definite yet. :(

6. Go to New York.
Although I could have easily lumped this into number 4, I chose not. It seemed too easy to do that (even though I've never been) since I have always admired New York for what it stands for to me. Going to another state and going to my dream are two different things, and therefore, two separate goals.

7. Get hired as a teacher.
I have wanted to be a teacher since the fifth grade. If everything works out the way it should, I will graduate in May with my teaching certificate, and I will begin teaching somewhere in August. This will probably be the hardest, but that just makes it more worthwhile.

8. Post a video on YouTube.
I know this one sounds lame, but it's something I've been wanting to do. I've never done, and I admire many people who do. I want to do it for me, not anything else.

9. Make a new friend.
This past year, I have learned a lot about real friends. I learned that I have two real friends: Mary and Maytha. Getting another real friend would be awesome. If it happens, it happens. If not, at least I have Mary and Maytha.

10. BEDA (August or April)
You might remember that I attempted BEDA in April. Since it didn't work out quite the way I wanted, I'm going to try again.

11. Find a boyfriend.
I have always been in love with the idea of being in love. Now that I'm 22 and about to strike into the world, I want to be able to do that with someone I love.

12. Register/go to VidCon.
I was unable to go to VidCon this year, but I really wanted to go. If it's held next, I'm going to try my best to go.

13. Buy Doctor Who on DVD.
I don't know if I ever mentioned that Doctor Who is my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE SHOW EVER, but it is :) Nothing would make me happier than if I actually owned.

14. Meet someone I admire.
There are many people in the world that I admire. To be able to meet one would be great. I was planning on being able to meet Kristina Horner (italktosnakes) and Luke Conard (lukeconard) on July 11th, but my accident stopped that. Hopefully, another time.

15. Treat myself to something expensive (like diamonds, Coach bag, etc).
After being a college student for so long, I feel like I should be able to treat myself to something nice. This is how I want to treat myself after working hard for so long.

16. Organize an event for people.
This one is really vague, I know. At the time, I couldn't think of another goal so I just wrote something down. This goal was the result. I just wanted to write something down. We'll see how this one goes down.

17. Volunteer at the animal shelter.
Before I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be a veterinarian. Animals have always been a big part of my life. I want to give back to the community, and I couldn't think of a better way for me to do this.

18. Learn to play guitar.
Music is a big part of my life too. I tried to learn how to play guitar last y ear, but it didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to. I' going to try again this year.

19. Work on English accent.
Being an Anglophile is something I am proud to call myself. My English accent needs to be improved upon. That's it. I just want a better accent. Simple.

20. Read and study the Bible.
This is a task I've tried to take on a million times. I'm hoping to be able to actually do it this time. I'm going to start with Psalms. Everything has been leading me there.

There are my goals. I will keep you updated throughout the year. If you are interested in doing the same, I would love for you to join me, Myles, and everyone else doing it. Just make a list and do it. Good luck!

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