Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Today I decided that I was going to register for my teaching insurance. I filled out the application and everything. It was fine. Then I decided that I wanted to look around and a little bit. I never realized how much there is to just being a teacher. I knew that there was a lot of work. My eyes have been opened already to just how much a teacher does, but I had never realized how much there is to just getting to say I'm a (student) teacher. It kind of blew my mind just a little bit. There are timelines on the site for the organization that I joined for student teachers to use. Apparently, I need to start working now. I need to talk to the education department and find out what I need for my portfolio and such so that I can even just graduate. I've missed out on a lot because I took two classes over in England. Those two classes were ones that I needed to just start my portfolio. People have been really nice and willing to help me, but I don't even know what it is I'm supposed to do for my portfolio. I'm going to have to talk to my advisor. So much to do and in such a short time. I remember when it felt like I was never going to graduate. Now, it's in less than a year. It's hard to believe. By the end of next week, I could be a certified teacher. It's all happening way faster than I ever thought it would. My head is spinning right just thinking about all of it. It's all paperwork, too. I can't even think about my resume right now. I don't even know what all I have done. I don't know. My head is too full of thoughts right now. I'm gonna go. Bye.

P.S. Finally got a full week in. Yay!

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Suck at This

Hey guys! I've only been at this blogging every day this month thing, I realized that I really suck at writing every day. I even leave blogger up on my computer so I'll remember to write, and I still put it off. I've already missed three days, and it's only the 9th. That means, I haven't even written a week's worth of blogs yet. We may just have to try this again in April.

Anyway, my job is over for the most part! All the camps are gone, and I don't really have anything to do. I need to check rooms, but I'll do that later.

EDIT I checked one room today. I'm going to check the other ones tomorrow and Wednesday. It shouldn't be too bad. I can do it pretty quickly.

I became a Mary Kay lady today. Don't ask me how that happened. I really like MK, but I suck at selling. I guess I'll give it a try. Even if it doesn't work out, at least I get a 50% discount. That won't be so bad.

Well, my head really hurts so I'm going to go now. Plus, I have to work in 10 minutes. I really don't want to go. I'd rather go to bed.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

10 More Minutes

I have about 10 more minutes to get this out for today. Hurry!

Anyway... I have a seven year old asleep on the couch in the other room right now. No, it's not my seven year old from the Dominican Republic, but rather the daughter of a lady that I work with. The other lady was going out tonight to celebrate her birthday a couple of weeks ago and left her daughter with me. It was kinda fun. It reminded me of why I like being around kids. Although, this little girl can talk nonstop. She's adorable, though.

The last couple of days have been pretty busy. I was up until about 4am yesterday doing laundry and watching Doctor Who with a friend. It was fun. Then today, another friend and I spent pretty much the whole day together. She gave me a pedicure. I did her hair. It was fun. Now, I'm babysitting. The only thing that ruined today was the fact that I just got a call because someone because the person who's supposed to come in after them didn't show up. That sucks. This whole summer goes, and I haven't gotten a call about this girl not showing up. It's the last Saturday she has to work it, and she doesn't show. That's crap.

Anyway, I need to go ahead and publish this since I have only five minutes left. Good night.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Full Day

Today has been a pretty full day. As I was thinking about it, I realized that I have accomplished a lot. I guess that's what happens when you're up for sixteen hours and still can't go to bed for at least another two and a half hours. I'M SO TIRED!!!!!!!! Anyway.... Today I have done a check out, adopted a sponsor kid, received a package, spoken at TWO study abroad sessions, had a meeting, and still made it to work with time to spare. I feel like I have done a lot. I'm very tired now after my full day. This post probably sounds really stupid, but I'm tired. I wish I could go to bed. Two and a half more hours. Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Find It Amazing

There are some things in life that I just don't understand. I don't understand disease, war, or heartbreak. I know that heartbreak isn't on par with disease and war as far as the worst things that can happen, but it hurts so much. My heart has been broken many times throughout my life. I've had to work to try to overcome it, but it's so hard. Some days are harder than others. I remember all the good times when we were happy together. I remember us singing together. I remember we were so comfortable with each other that we wouldn't even realize we had stopped talking for at least five minutes when on the phone. Silence means it's comfortable. You were there for me when I was feeling gross. I could tell you anything. Now though, you're gone. You somehow found it possible to throw me away. You made the ultimate decision to not have me in your life anymore. I'm not going to lie. I do miss you sometimes. I just find it amazing that you could do that to me after all the times you said that I was the very best friend you could ever have. We were perfect together, and even though we were just friends, I could have easily spent the rest of my life with you if you had let me. I don't think I required too much from you. A phone call every now and then. For you to answer your phone when I called. These are not big things to ask for. Yet, I had to beg for them towards the end. I'll never forget when you said I was a waste of time. It hurt so much that I cried. I had to go to someone else for comfort. You were the worst heartbreak of all. I know if I could to choose whether or not to go through it again, I would do it all over because there's no way I would trade the memories of the good times. They were the best times. I guess I can only say, I miss you. A lot.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Quote for Day 2

"Instead of wasting your energy complaining about what you don't have and how the people you thought were your friends did you wrong; focus on what you do have and the people who are there for you and appreciate it before you lose it. No one should have to pay for others' mistakes."

One of my friends wrote this on facebook, and I thought it was deeply insightful. This is it for today.

Monday, August 2, 2010

BEDA Post #1

Remember when I tried doing BEDA (Blog Every Day in April/August) in April, and it didn't quite work out? Well, I'm going to try to do it again, except for August this time. Woot.

So I know it's not actually August 1st anymore which technically means, I've already missed one day. I figure, though, that since I haven't gone to sleep yet, this still totally counts as August 1st. Right? Right.

Anyway, not a lot has been going on. I've just been working and trying to stay out of trouble. It seems to be working thus far. I ordered a dress for when I go to England at the end of the month. I'll post a link here --> Dress I think it's really pretty, and it'll be perfect for when I'm there. I also ordered a pair of earrings, a ring, and a candle that's supposed to smell like a boy. Hopefully, a good smelling boy. I like the way boys smell, which I know is weird, but it's the truth. There's just something about their muskiness. I will take all comments gracefully.

J.J. update: He added me on facebook which is super exciting because he could've just easily said just kidding. No, I'm not adding you. He didn't, though. Maybe he could like me. Maybe he just wants to be friends. I'll just have to get to know him better. There's nothing else to report on that. Leave recommendations on what to say to him in the comments. Y'all know as much as I do about him which isn't saying much. I definitely need to talk to him soon. I'll wait another day or so before I do anything. I want to see if he'll make another move.

School officially starts on August 30th so expect that entry to be one of the last for August. It'll be sad to see this end, but we'll see if I'm even able to keep it up. Wish me luck, guys.

That's about it for now. I had nothing exciting to report so I hope you'll forgive me. Good night. Let's have an awesome August!!!

P.S. Check out Kristina Horner's blog post for the start of BEDA. I promise it'll be much more exciting than mine. Link -->Kristina's Awesome Blog