Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I Find It Amazing

There are some things in life that I just don't understand. I don't understand disease, war, or heartbreak. I know that heartbreak isn't on par with disease and war as far as the worst things that can happen, but it hurts so much. My heart has been broken many times throughout my life. I've had to work to try to overcome it, but it's so hard. Some days are harder than others. I remember all the good times when we were happy together. I remember us singing together. I remember we were so comfortable with each other that we wouldn't even realize we had stopped talking for at least five minutes when on the phone. Silence means it's comfortable. You were there for me when I was feeling gross. I could tell you anything. Now though, you're gone. You somehow found it possible to throw me away. You made the ultimate decision to not have me in your life anymore. I'm not going to lie. I do miss you sometimes. I just find it amazing that you could do that to me after all the times you said that I was the very best friend you could ever have. We were perfect together, and even though we were just friends, I could have easily spent the rest of my life with you if you had let me. I don't think I required too much from you. A phone call every now and then. For you to answer your phone when I called. These are not big things to ask for. Yet, I had to beg for them towards the end. I'll never forget when you said I was a waste of time. It hurt so much that I cried. I had to go to someone else for comfort. You were the worst heartbreak of all. I know if I could to choose whether or not to go through it again, I would do it all over because there's no way I would trade the memories of the good times. They were the best times. I guess I can only say, I miss you. A lot.

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