Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'll miss you

So he has been on my mind a lot lately, and I think I know why. I just don't want to say it. I really wish he wasn't leaving. I wish he could just stay here, but he's a big boy. He needs to go after his own dreams and ambitions. That's the thing I like about him the most. He has dreams and things he wants to do. I just wish they could be realized without him having to leave. Yet, he leaves April 10th. I'll only have a few days left with him when I get back to school. It just sucks all around. I want him to stay! Is that too much to ask??? I'm not saying I want him to be my boyfriend or anything, but would that be so bad? I'm not entirely ugly. Some people even consider me to be pretty. I'm not skinny, but that just means there's more of me to love. I'm smart. He makes me happy. Right now, I'm not so happy. I know it sounds stupid, but I bought him this necklace with a St. Michael and Guardian Angel medallion on it. St. Michael is the patron saint of police officers, and they both protect from harm. I know he might not be Catholic or even a Christian, but it means a lot to me. I'm feeling like I'm about to cry. I shouldn't be feeling like that. I know I shouldn't. I'm just confused. Can somebody help me out? Gotta go. I need dinner eventually.
Love always,

It's Official!!!

Hey guys! So it's official! I'm going to Harlaxton!!! I am so excited! Now, I just have to find a way to finance it. I will gladly take donations :) Just kidding. I'm applying for a ton of scholarships so hopefully I'll get most, if not all, of them. I was looking over the scholarships that I've applied for so far, and I might actually get enough to pay for it and have some left over. Wouldn't that be nice? It's so exciting! The only other things I'm worried about is paying for like airline tickets and other essentials. I'm trying to pay for Harlaxton on my own. I know it'll be hard, but it'll be totally worth it. I don't want my mom to have to put in too much. My dad on the other hand...j/k. I'm going to do as much as I can. I'm hoping my dad will pay for the tickets there and back. We'll see. He's going to give me his frequent flyer miles so that'll help, no matter what. I never realized just how expensive it is to fly to another country. I'm going to talk to a travel agent, and see if there's any way to get a cheaper flight. I've talked to a travel agent back at school and he said the cheapest out of Killeen is $1337. On my own, it's a lot more. I'm going to find out if there's any travel agents I can see while I'm still here in Cove. It might just be easier to deal with one in Denton. Shakara and I can go together. Well, I have lots of stuff to do still. I have homework and planning for Harlaxton to do still. If anyone wants to help, I'll appreciate it. Love you guys!!!
Love always,

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Ok. So I can't wait to go to England. This is one of the reasons.
declan bennett
He is really cute, isn't he? I met him when I saw RENT last May. He is an incredible singer! I'll see if there's any way to put up a clip of him singing. Another reason is this:
big ben
Beautiful! I love it! England is so gorgeous!
Then, of course, there's always my beautiful Harlaxton.
I absolutely cannot wait to go!!! I'm going to miss everybody, but it'll be so worth it! Wait until you guys see the wonderful souvenirs that I'm going to bring back. I don't know where they're going to be from yet, but it'll be totally worth it. I love you guys so much!!!
Love always,

Ode to My Passport

Where could you be?
You were sent off on Tuesday
and still are not here.
I need you so soon
so I can go to Harlaxton.
When will you come?
Please be here Monday.
I've waited so long
and you still are not here.
Today is Saturday,
where could you be?
I see myself in England,
maybe even Paris in France,
possibly see
where I could reign as queen.
In Spain,
my family used to rule.
Without you,
I can't see the beautiful country.
Passport, oh passport,
where could you be?
I need you on Monday.
Oh please, hurry.


Friday, March 7, 2008


So I did end up getting my shot records. Unfortunately, I had to get a shot. It still hurts. It'll be worth it, though, when I'm in England. I can't wait to go! I've been talking to one of the other girls that's going. The only thing I'm waiting for now is my passport. I actually have a pretty passport picture...and the stamp pages are going to get so full!!! I'm going to travel so much when I'm there.
That's where I'm going to be living for four months. Well, possibly. There's another building on the campus where the majority of the students live. It's called the Carriage House. It's just as gorgeous.
Aren't these places beautiful? I can't believe I'm actually going to be living and staying here! It's almost like a dream. An unbelieveable dream.
Love always,

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So Irritated

Ok. So I've been trying to get a hold of my shot records for the past two weeks. I'm more than a little irritated that Darnall is just now telling me that they are in St. Louis!!! I called last week, and they said that I needed to write them a letter and they would send them to me. I did that. I called today, and they told me they are in St. Louis. So now I've been trying to call everybody and their mom to get a hold of them. I'm a little irritated. I should be irritated at myself because I waited so long to do it. If I had just done it last month, I wouldn't be freaking out about it now. I just need them like tomorrow because all my stuff is due this week.
So I just talked to Annette, and she said that as long as I turn everything else in by this week, I should be ok. She said something about March 10th. Hopefully as long as I get them by then, I'll be fine. I am for real freaking out about this right now. I just want to do this so much!!! Too bad they're not offering anything for me in the Spring otherwise I would take consolation in that. I have to do it now.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ok...I'm just bored

Ok. So I've been trying to tell myself not to write anymore, but I just can't help myself. Y'all know how much I love to write. So today, nothing much happened. I just had two classes and that was it. It was pretty cool tough. In my government class, I got to listen to Gloria Steinem speak about Hillary Clinton. She didn't really say too much. She did say one thing I really liked, "Hope is a form of planning." Don't ask me why I like it. I just do.
I had a midterm in my KINS class. It was easier then I thought it would be. There's always a few questions that'll get you. There were a couple that I really had to think about, but for the most part it was easy.
Ok. So I have homework to do. I'll get my writing in that way. Talk to you all later!!!
Love always,

Just a little information

Ok. So most of you know that I'm planning on studying abroad in the fall. I'm so excited! I've always wanted to go back to England and actually have memories of it this time around. Most of my stuff is together. Just need a few last things, like my passport and shot records. I also have to write a few essays, but y'all know that isn't too hard for me. I just have to collect my thoughts first.
So now the reason I started this blog. I've always wanted an easy way for my friends and family to get a glimpse into my life without everyone having to use myspace or facebook. Especially for some people, those things just aren't feasible. So...ta da! Blogger. I learned about it in one of my classes. It's actually pretty cool. I'm sure there are tons of features. I'll have to play around with it to discover.
Now when I go to Harlaxton College, y'all can know what I'm up to. I really am excited. I've always loved to travel, and now I get to do in another country. This time I'll have memories of having been in England. While it's true that I have memories of Germany, there just wasn't time to actually look around and enjoy those things. Everything was always so rushed. Now, I can go and create more memories of different countries. I'll come back with so much more experience. I can't wait!!!
Love always,