Wednesday, March 24, 2010

5 Minute Writing

Ok. So I only have five minutes to write this because I have to go meet my group in order to work on a project for my linguistics class. GO!

I've been thinking about Chris a lot a lot. It's really weird. Even when I've really like guys, I've never thought about them this much. He crosses my mind all of the time. I can listen to a song, and I'll think of the first time we kissed. I will be drinking, and I'll think about when we held hands. I can do pretty much anything, and something about Chris will cross my mind. Now remember, I only knew Chris for a maximum of three weeks. I barely knew the guy. The only time we were together is when we were out drinking. Yet, it's like my mind won't accept that it's over. I haven't talked to him in over a year now. I haven't seen him since December 2008. It's been a long time. I told my friend Michelle about this, and she said that maybe he's my soul mate. Whenever people say stuff like that, I'm always reminded of an episode of FRIENDS where Phoebe tells Rachel that Ross is her lobster. (Go see it if you haven't. It's one of my favorites.) Maybe Chris is my lobster. This is why I have to go back. Yes, I would love to see everybody that I know there, but I have to find Chris. I have to see what could have happened. I knew I can't really afford to go now, but I have to do it. I'm going to save up all of my money this semester and try to go in August. I have a friend who will be moving there, and she said I could stay with her. I'm going to do it.

My five minutes are up. I'll probably write more later. BYE!

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