Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I've come to a decision recently. It may be rather boring in years to come for me to read again, but for now, it could be fun. I recently found out about something called Blog Every Day in April, or BEDA. I had about a similar project done by Alex Day last year that was Vlog Every Day in April, or VEDA. I thought it was cool when he did it, but I didn't really look into what it actually was or how it go started. That is, until this past weekend when I was looking at some old Charlie McDonnell tweets (because my life is just so interesting). He did it last year too but through blogging. I think I want to give it a try this year. It may not come to anything. I may not even have time to write every day, but I will try. I want to improve my writing skills, and I think that this could help. You might be thinking, "Why BEDA? Why not NaNoWriMo?" The honest truth to that questions is that I'm not any good at writing long stories. I can write short stories with only a few problems, but trying to extend a plot for a lot of pages just doesn't work for me. I admire those who can do it and actually have something decent, but I just can't do it. Believe me, I have tried. I blame it on my short attention span :)

I said in a post last month that I wanted to try vlogging. I may still try doing that, but we shall see people. We shall see. If I were to do it, it would be start vlogging. I'm not very good at acting, and I'm not good at trying to be intentionally funny. It is very likely that I would bore everybody to death, but I can try. I'll try to make a video this weekend, and I'll post a link here in case anybody does actually read this. It's very likely that they don't.

OMG! I wish they would stop shooting now. I know you're just trying to scare away birds, but you're hurting my ears. Please stop. TWU, I just want to let you know that you suck. I may sue due to loss of hearing because you shoot off guns to scare away POOR INNOCENT DEFENSELESS birds. What are they doing that's so horrible? They are just trying to be at home in the place they have chosen. It's not like you let us use the balconies anyway. Someone might as well.

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