Thursday, February 18, 2010

My Birthday

So you might be thinking, "Megan, you're birthday was over a week ago and I still haven't heard anything about it! I want to know something NOW!!!" Ok. So you might not be thinking that exact sentence, but I'm going to tell you anyway.

My birthday was pretty uneventful. I couldn't go out the actual night of my birthday because it was a Monday, and I have an 8am class on Tuesdays. I was not going to go out when I knew I had a class where I actually have to pay attention. Instead, I decided that I was going to go out on the Thursday after my birthday. I didn't really have anything to do on Friday until 2pm so I was set. Then it snowed...over 6 TEXAS!!! How awesome is that? Since it snowed, I decided I wasn't going to go driving or make anybody else drive in the snow at night. Those could be dangerous times, my friend. Basically, I've done nothing for my birthday.

Although, my mom did come up the Saturday before my birthday. It was a nice day. We hung out in my room for a little bit and then proceeded to get lost while going to one of my favorite Italian restaurants. It was pretty jokes ( nerdfighter word that I just recently learned. It means cool in case you were wondering.) We also saw Dear John before dinner. It was an ok movie. My mom and I decided that we were too close to the military for it to really be the emotional movie that I've heard it is for other people. We just decided that it was kind of lame. It happens to a lot of people in the military so why should their story be so significant? Whatever. It was ok. If you like movies like that, you should go see it.

So yeah. That was my birthday. I might try to do something this week to celebrate, but it looks doubtful. I have a bunch of stuff to do before the week is over. Right now, I should be writing a paper, but I don't want to. That seems to be a recurring theme. I blog instead of writing a paper that's due either the next day or the day prior to which I'm writing. Um...yeah. I totally didn't say that! :) OK. I'm going to go at least start on the paper.


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