Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A New Lesson in Life

So yesterday, I learned something new. If you only get three hours of sleep, you are likely to be asleep at a ridiculously early hour like 8pm. I found these out when I woke up and actually looked at the clock. It was only 9pm. I felt like such a loser. Who goes to bed at 8pm? Apparently, I do, but for good reason. I had stayed up until about 3:30am the night before doing homework. I had a bunch due yesterday, and I actually had to do it because I had class that day. I know. I know. Don't you always have class, Megan? Yes, yes I do. BUT my 8am class was cancelled last week so I decided not to do it then and to do it sometime during the week so I wouldn't be waiting until the last minute to do both. Of course that planned failed as I did it the night before anyway. Of course, it didn't help that there were other things that I would rather have been doing anyway, like writing here, reading Kristina's blog, and watching youtube. I have a secret confession: I'm quite addicted to youtube, but that's another blog.

So right now, I have Harry Potter 4 on. I just wanted to watch it for the brief glimpses of David Tennant. I know he's only in there for a whole 5 minutes, if that, but I love him. He's just an amazing actor! I LOVE LOVE LOVE him in Doctor Who, another little addiction of mine :) I'm sure I have more I could tell you about, but you'll have to find those out as we go along.
So... sleep=goodness actually doing homework on time=good David Tennant=AMAZING Harry Potter=fantastic

The lesson to learn from all this though is to do your homework and get some sleep.

Time to take a shower so I'll talk to you later!


Days until my birthday: 5

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