Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ok. So I wrote this last night at like 1am so it may sound a little incoherent or redundant so I don't care. I'm going to post something again later today.

My mommy is coming today!!! YAY! I love it when my mom comes to visit me. I honestly think I have THE best mom in the whole ENTIRE world. She is honestly my best friend, and she has always been there for me. Yes, there are times when we don’t necessarily get along, but I know she’s always there for me whether I really want her there or not. She offers me advice, and she is the most supportive person I’ve ever known. I’ve had other friends in the past, but they’re in the past. My mom is my past, my present, and my future. Whenever I need anything, I can always count on her to be there for me. I’ve had a had past year, and she continues to be at my side and offer her support. She never leaves me to fend for myself unless she knows it’s for the best. There have been times when I have needed her, and she only offers me advice. She has always let me try to find stuff out for myself. I’ve made a lot of stupid mistakes in my life, and she’s let me learn from them. I’ll present her with a situation that I want, and she only gives me advice.
I remember when I was wanting to go to England, and she said that she didn’t think it was a good time for me to go. I did it anyway. She said that she’s glad I didn’t let her stop me from going. She thinks that it was one of the best opportunities that I have ever had. It was nice to hear her say that she was wrong. She may not have used those exact words, but I got her message loud and clear. Even moms can be wrong sometimes.
There have been other times in my life, though, when I wish I had listened to her. This whole situation with the sorority could’ve been prevented if I had just listened to her advice. Looking back, there are a lot of times when I should’ve listened to her. I could have saved myself a lot of heartbreak, time, and money. It’s too late now. I’ve learned a lot about myself from those experiences. Even when I was learning the hardest lessons, I knew my mom was there.
Not many people can say this and mean it, but I really, truly love my mom. Some people think that I only love my mom because she’s my mom, and I pretty much have to love her. Although this is true to an extent, I not only love my mom, but I LIKE her too. Not many people can really say that.

I’M SO EXCITED MY MOM IS COMING TO VISIT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Days until my birthday: 2

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