Monday, February 1, 2010

I Don't Know What to Write

I know it sounds weird to come onto a blog site and not know what to write, but I think that's ok. Sometimes I just need somewhere to sit down and write whatever random thoughts come to my head. I've just been feeling a little uninspired lately. I've been watching A LOT of youtube lately, and it's made me realize that maybe I am insignificant in the wide spectrum of things. I mean, I don't talk to anybody on there, and yet I have friends on there. Even the friends I have IRL, I don't talk to. Yet the people I (don't) know on the interwebz and I are friends on there if only because we have something in common. That thing in common is that we're on youtube, and we happen to have subscriptions to the same people or maybe they're telling me that I need to make a video because they want to get to know me. Who knows? All I know is that I've gotten a couple of random people asking to be my friend on a website that I don't even really participate on. I like watching people like CharlieIsSoCoolLike (Charlie McDonnell), Nerimon (Alex Day), italktosnakes (Kristina Horner), and hexachordal (Tom Milsom). I've never actually talked to any of them, but it brightens my day when they post a video. Like today, both Alex and Kristina posted videos. I stopped everything just so that I could listen to what they had to say. I know. I'm a loser, but if they could be famous on youtube, why couldn't I? Maybe I don't have to have hundreds of thousands of subscribers like Charlie or post videos of songs that I've written like Alex, or have a comp channel like Kristina, but I can still make myself happy by just telling people about the things that are going on in my life. Maybe one day I could have lots of subscribers, but I'll never know until I try. My mom told me that she got me an actual VIDEO CAMERA for my birthday next week (I know it kind of ruins the fun of opening it up, but whatever). Now that I'll have a proper camera, maybe I can take videos of myself. I only have my crappy $15 webcam right now, and the resolution on that thing is terrible! I'll still use it for my dailybooth, but maybe I'll turn into a proper vlogger now. I'm going to try to keep this thing more updated too though. Ok. I know this has been really boring so I think I'll end it now. I'll try to be more interesting in the next one. I PROMISE!!! I hope your day was awesome!


Days until my birthday: 7

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