Monday, April 12, 2010


Aw crap. I just barely missed yesterday. I'm a whole 30 minutes late. It sucks. I should tell you about Saturday though.

On Saturday, I took my PPR qualifier. PPR stands for Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities. There were so many questions that I guessed on. I'm surprised I got through most of it. I had to reread some questions like 5 or 6 times just to know what they were talking asking. It was so nerve wracking. I should be getting my unofficial results in about a week. I'm really nervous about it. As long as I get at least a 75% on it, I can take my PPR TExES test. The TExES is the actual Texas teacher certification test. The EC-4 test is offered for the last time in August. My whole future literally depends on this test. It sucks. I really really hope I passed it. I'm going to start studying for my content qualifier. I haven't done that yet. I don't know how I feel about it, but I hope I do well. I thought I would be ok when I walked into the PPR, but I walked out with an "what did I just do" feeling. It's one of the worst feeling in the world when your whole future depends on one test. Words of encouragement?

PS I think BEDA is officially over. I think I'm going to do BAMF with Kristina Horner. It stands for Blog in April More Frequently. What do you think?

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